Gnld NeoLife Ami-Tone

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Gnld Neolife best weight loss pill Ami-Tone supplement is an amino acid supplement for weight loss that also provides the body with the same amino acids and other nutrients that work with hGH, supporting the utilization of fat for energy and the production of lean body tissue. These nutrients combine to create an amino acid balance similar to that of our youthful growth and development period.

To utilize fat so as to burn it for a flat tummy, and for energy so that you may achieve a lean toned body I recommend: GNLD NEOLIFE AMI-TONE


For sportsmen and bodybuilding people, GNLD Amitone is a food supplement that supports building lean muscles and makes you fit for optimum health. It has no side effects and is totally natural.


·   100% naturally occurring free-form amino acids for rapid absorption and utilization.

·    Complete formula containing free-form amino acids, chelated minerals, and selected herbs; supports the bodily functions of muscle protein retention, fat mobilization, lean tissue development, and overall body toning.
·    Chelated calcium, magnesium, and zinc for improved absorption of these metabolic electrolytes.
·    Valerian and chickweed for their energy and stamina-related benefits.
·     Take it 3 hours after the last meal with much water before bedtime; this allows for specific amino acid blood level increase while sleeping.
·    The amino acids in this formula are of plant origin.


·     Natural Muscle toner and also good for bodybuilders as it is a natural product
·         Your body does the work.
·         Sensible eating and regular, moderate exercise will improve success.
·         Ami-Tone is SAFE, it has no appetite depressants
·         You can use it with confidence.
·         Helps assure a pleasant, restful sleep.
Works in sync with body’s natural cycles: timed dose, taken at bedtime, utilizes regular, nightly fluctuations of amino acid blood levels.

Key Benefits

  • Supports muscle protein retention,
  • fat mobilization,
  • lean tissue development and efficient metabolism.


A unique blend of selected free-form amino acids to support:

  • Muscle retention
  • Fat-mobilizationLean tissue development
  • Overall body toning
  • Designed to work while you sleep.


1. May help with mood

Tryptophan is necessary for the production of serotonin, a chemical that acts as a neurotransmitter in your body.

Serotonin is an essential regulator of mood, sleep, and behaviors.

While low serotonin levels have been linked to depressed mood and sleep disturbances, several studies have shown that taking tryptophan supplements may help reduce symptoms of depression and boost mood.

A review that included 11 high-quality studies found that taking 0.14–3 grams of tryptophan per day could help decrease anxiety and increase positive mood in healthy people.

2. May improve exercise performance and recovery

Many people take valine, leucine, and isoleucine, the three essential BCAAs, to alleviate fatigue, improve athletic performance, and stimulate muscle recovery after exercise.

In a small 2017 study, resistance-trained athletes took BCAAs at a dose of 0.039 grams per pound (0.087 grams per kg) of body weight, with a 2:1:1 ratio of leucine, isoleucine, and valine.

Those who took the BCAAs showed improved performance and muscle recovery and decreased muscle soreness compared with those who took a placebo.

A review of eight studies found that taking BCAAs was superior to rest for promoting muscle recovery and reducing soreness after exhaustive exercise.

What’s more, another review that included nine studies found that taking BCAAs helped reduce muscle damage and soreness after resistance exercise in active men.

Taking BCAAs has also been shown to reduce the rating of perceived exertion — how intensely a person feels they are working during exercise — in people performing high-intensity exercise.

3. May be helpful for wound healing and surgery

Taking amino acid supplements may be helpful for people who are healing after surgery

A study of 243 people with pelvis or long bone fractures found that those who took conditionally essential amino acids for 2 weeks after surgery had lower rates of death and medical complications than those who received standard nutrition.

A review of 20 studies looking at the effects of taking BCAAs in people with cancer undergoing surgery found that those who took BCAAs around the time of surgery had reduced postoperative complications from infections and fluid accumulation in the abdomen.

What’s more, according to results from one study, taking essential amino acid supplements may help reduce loss of muscle volume in older adults recovering from knee replacement surgery. Learn more about the benefits.

Benefits of amino acid supplements

Like any medication or supplement, there are risks and benefits. Speak with your healthcare provider to see if supplementation with an essential amino acid blend would improve your overall health. 

Muscle function

Proper amino acid levels are important for muscle development and strength. They help control the balance between the atrophy and growth of human muscle. 

Supplementing your diet with essential amino acids may increase the supply of nitrogen to your body. It can also help maintain the amount of amino acids stored in your skeletal muscles.  

Sports performance

Amino acids are frequently marketed to athletes along with a high-protein diet. Your muscle growth may be increased if you consume essential amino acids shortly before or after exercise. 

Amino acids may also aid in the exercise recovery period. It is unclear, however, if there is a significant difference between supplementing with amino acids and simply eating a high-protein diet. 

Blood glucose levels

Amino acids have been shown to be beneficial to blood sugar levels. Some people with type 2 diabetes who take amino acids are able to lower their blood sugar without impacting their insulin levels. It is unclear what the long-term effects of amino acid supplements on blood sugar may be. 

Skin conditions

Young women who take amino acid supplements may improve their overall skin condition and its moisture level. They can also improve their muscle mass. Learn more

Improve hair loss

Amino acids account for a large percentage of the chemical structure of your hair. For example, approximately 18 percent of keratin, the structural protein that your hair is built from, consists of the amino acid cysteine.

A few small studies have linked cysteine supplementation to improvements in hair growth:

  • In a study published in the Journal of Applied Cosmetology, a small group of volunteers who took a cysteine supplement for 50 weeks experienced a 50 percent increase in hair growth. However, this study was small in size, with just 48 participants, of whom only 12 took the cysteine supplement.
  • In a study published in 2007, researchers found that a dietary supplement containing L-cystine (an oxidized form of cysteine) and other active ingredients improved hair growth in women with telogen effluvium hair shedding. While this study is interesting, it’s important to note that the supplement included several active ingredients and that none of the participants suffered from pattern hair loss.

Another amino acid, lysine, has been researched as a possible treatment for hair loss. Lysine is an essential amino acid that has a significant impact on hair integrity. 

It’s primarily found inside the hair root and helps hair to retain its shape and volume.

When paired with iron, there’s some evidence that women with hair shedding may experience a decrease in shedding with lysine and iron supplementation.

However, this doesn’t mean that lysine can help male pattern baldness, which is caused by the effects of genes and hormones rather than a nutritional deficiency. Learn More

Other Benefits

1. Muscle maker.

By middle age, you rapidly lose muscle mass, even if you exercise. You can counter some of this loss by taking branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs)—leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Of these, leucine is by far the most important for making new muscle, and a recent analysis of nine studies confirmed its muscle-enhancing effect. Leucine works for seniors, too, who might actually benefit the most. Adding vitamin D and exercising amplifies the benefits.

Dose: Take a daily BCAA supplement containing approximately 2.5 grams of leucine, 1.25 grams of isoleucine, and 1.25 grams of valine. Alternatively, take 3–4 grams of leucine daily.

2. Mood lifter.

Amino acid L-tryptophan and 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) form the key building block of serotonin, the neurotransmitter that protects against anxiety and depression. Luckily, supplements have been found to help these disorders, as well as insomnia.

Dose: Take either 500 mg of L-tryptophan or 50 mg of 5-HTP three times daily.

3. Stress buster.

The amino acid gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, functions as a neurotransmitter that promotes a relaxed feeling while also increasing mental focus. It works by helping the brain tune out distracting “background noise.” A 2015 study by Dutch researchers found GABA supplements improve decision-making and reaction times. Theanine, an amino acid found in high-quality green tea, boosts the brain’s alpha waves, which can reduce anxiety. GABA and theanine may be taken together.

Dose: Try 200–500 mg daily of GABA. You can add 200 mg daily of theanine.

4. Immune strengthener.

The preferred form of the amino acid cysteine, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is an essential building block of glutathione, the body’s principal antioxidant. An Italian study found that NAC supplements greatly reduced flu symptoms among seniors. Its side benefits include supporting the liver’s detox efforts and lung function.

Dose: Take 600 mg daily. Double the amount during the cold and flu season.

5. Blood vessel toner.

L-arginine functions as the precursor to nitric oxide, a compound that regulates blood-vessel flexibility. Increased flexibility is good for the cardiovascular system, and some research indicates that this amino acid can lower blood pressure. Men also need healthy blood-vessel tone for erections, and arginine may help men with erectile dysfunction, as well. Some research has also found that a combination of arginine and the herb Yohimbe might increase blood flow to the vagina, which can increase arousal and help women achieve orgasm.

Dose: Try 1,000 mg of arginine three times daily. Learn More

What are the main benefits of amino acid supplements?

We know that amino acids are building blocks, but what exactly are the benefits of these molecules and what benefits do people often see from taking supplements?

Greater Fat Burn

Amino acids, especially BCAAs, have been shown to help athletes burn more body fat—especially belly fat. In a study by the College of Charleston, researchers found that consuming BCAA supplements resulted in 2.5X more body fat reduction than athletes who consumed a carbohydrate sports drink and 50% more than those who consumed a whey protein drink.


Amino acids are indispensable for healthy skin. They are the building blocks of peptides and proteins and each amino acid performs a specific function in skin care. Some types occur naturally in the skin and work together with aquaporins (the water transport system of your body) to transport moisture through the skin. Some amino acids work as an antioxidant, but most help your skin to reproduce its own antioxidants. Research has shown that synthetic amino acids hydrate better than amino acids originating from an animal or plant source. Whether produced internally or applied topically, amino acids help to strengthen the immune system and maintain the skin’s hydration, resilience, and overall healthy appearance. They protect the skin from free-radical damage and reduce signs of aging. That’s why we have included several amino acids in our skin-firming Peptide Booster as well as in other skincare products.


Amino acids work together with other beneficial, ingredients that make up part of the skin’s ‘natural moisturizing factors (NMFs) such as glycerides, ceramides, hyaluronic acid, and peptides. They work especially well in combination with peptides, we have included them in our Peptide Booster; a booster especially aimed at hydrating the skin and reducing signs of aging.

Amino acids are versatile ingredients that are a nice addition to other active skincare ingredients such as antioxidants, plant extracts, and omega fatty acids. When topically applied, amino acids help to improve all skin types and are suitable for all ages, especially if you are looking to reduce the signs of aging. Learn More

Reduce Mental Fatigue

Physical exercises increase the synthesis and metabolism of 5-HT, which is linked to performance impairment and fatigue. Amino acid supplements, including BCAAs, have been shown to reduce mental fatigue during exercise and improve cognitive performance post-exercise.

Gnld Neolife Ami-Tone Function to the Muscle

Decrease Muscle Soreness

Soreness post-workout specifically delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is primarily caused by these micro-tears. When you take amino acid supplements before a workout, you’re jumpstarting muscle protein synthesis to start repairing your muscles faster. These supplements can also decrease muscle protein breakdown. This can decrease soreness and improve muscle recovery time.

Improves Muscle Recovery

There are several studies on BCAA amino acid supplements before and after a workout, and the conclusions have been overwhelming that they can improve muscle recovery post-workout. This is because the supplements increase the bioavailability of amino acids to improve protein synthesis. Learn More

Lean Muscle Growth

BCAAs, especially leucine, regulate and improve protein synthesis in muscle repair and growth. These essential amino acids are necessary for repairing and rebuilding muscles that are broken down during exercise.

Prevent Muscle Damage

If you’re an endurance athlete or often work out in a fasted state, you run the risk of your body breaking down muscle fibers for fuel. Taking an amino acid supplement 30-60 minutes before a workout will help prevent this damage by jumpstarting muscle repair through protein synthesis.

Increased Endurance

In a study published in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, researchers found that BCAA supplements decreased fatigue by over 17%. This has to do with transaminase activation to enhance lipid oxidation in glycogen-depleted athletes.

Bigger Gains

The College of Charleston measured body fat burn, they also measured change in 10 RM strength on a barbell bench press and barbell squat. In both instances, athletes taking amino acid supplements saw significantly greater gains than athletes taking whey protein or carbohydrate sports drinks.

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