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Neolife Product

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Powerful carotenoid nutrients from whole foods to support immunity.

Why Carotenoid Phytonutrients?
n Research links diets abundant in carotenoid-rich fruits and
vegetables with reduced risk of many aggressive threats to
the well being of the body.
Carotenoids boost the immune system, helping the body
to defend itself against a variety of aggressive threats.
Carotenoids promote optimum well-being in ways distinct
from the actions of other dietary factors.
Why NeoLife Carotenoid Complex?
B r o a d – s p e c t r u m , l i p i d – s o l u b l e n u t r i e n t
supplementation. More than just beta-carotene,
Carotenoid Complex provides a variety of carotenoid
“family members” as they naturally occur in the human
food chain in fruits and vegetables. Research continues to
show that individual carotenoids play different and specific
roles as part of the body’s complex defence system
against threats to well-being.

Whole-food ingredients. Our exclusive blend of
carotenoid-rich extracts and concentrates is derived from
whole tomatoes, carrots, spinach, red bell peppers,
strawberries, apricots and peaches.
15 powerful carotenoid family members. Our unique
formula has been tested and shown to deliver alpha-,
beta-, cis-beta-, gamma- and zeta-carotene, lycopene,
cis-lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, alpha- and betacryptoxanthin, violaxanthin, canthaxanthin, capsanthin and cryptocapsin

ksh 6500

Key Benefits

  • USDA Research – Proven to boost immune capacity by 37% in 20 days.
  • The most complete carotenoid supplement on the market, providing an optimal serving of fruits & vegetables in each capsule. Each bottle contains the carotenoid equivalent of 115 kgs of the raw fruits and vegetables it’s made from.
  • Whole food supplementation.


  • Clinical study showed a 37% increase in immune capacity in just 20 days*.
  • Reduces oxidation of cholesterol*.
  • Carotenoid power of 115 kgs of raw fruits and vegetables in every 90 capsule bottle.
  • Boosts antioxidant levels in the blood to support your vital organs*.


Take 1 to 3 capsules daily.