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Chelated Calcium Magnesium with IU Vitamin D3 – 90 Tablets
Calcium, magnesium, and 500 IU vitamin D3 in high bioavailability for strong bones, teeth, nerve and muscle function, and more.
Chelated Cal-Mag is a calcium and magnesium supplement designed to correct common deficiencies.
Gnld NeoLife Chelated Cal-Mag is a great way to supplement your current nutrient program.
Osteoporosis is a bone disease that can be prevented by taking NeoLife Chelated Cal-Mag with Vitamin D.

The mineral calcium is the most abundant in the body, with the majority of it concentrated in our bones. Calcium is an important mineral in the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis. Increasing your calcium intake can help you save 30 to 50 percent on bone loss.

Key Benefits

  • Promotes strong bones and teeth.
  • May assist in postponing or preventing the onset of osteoporosis.
  • Supports nerve and muscle function.


Why do we need calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D?

According to research, adequate calcium and vitamin D as part of a healthy diet, combined with physical activity, may reduce the risk of osteoporosis later in life.
Magnesium aids in the formation of strong bones and the absorption of calcium.
Calcium and magnesium, which are required for strong bones and teeth, are also essential for cardiovascular health, normal blood pressure, nerve and muscle function, PMS symptom reduction, and many enzyme reactions.

Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption and has been shown in recent research to support breast, bone, heart, and immune health.* Daily calcium and vitamin D supplementation may reduce the risk of bone fractures in all adults, regardless of age or gender.


Chelated Cal-Mag with 500 IU Vitamin D3

  • Provides vitamin D3 the form that is readily absorbable and highly bioavailable.
  • Pharmaceutically pure, seashell-derived calcium.
  • Exclusive double amino acid chelation to promote higher calcium and magnesium absorption.
  • Formulated with the preferred 2:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium to best meet our body’s needs.

Cal-Mag Chelated Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a condition that affects a woman’s emotions, physical health, and behavior during specific days of her menstrual cycle, usually just before her menstruation. PMS is a very common ailment. More than 90% of menstruating women experience its symptoms.


Take 3 tablets daily as a supplemental source of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D.