GNLD Neolife Products

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Neolife helpful Nutritionals Supplements and Herbals alternatives will help re-balance your immune system and vitality.


A toothache is a painful condition that occurs in or near a tooth. A temporary gum irritation can cause minor toothaches, which can be treated at home. More serious toothaches are caused by dental and mouth problems that will not go away on their own and must be treated by a dentist.

What are the signs of a toothache?

Sharp, throbbing, or on-going tooth pain Some people only feel pain when they apply pressure to their teeth (biting down on something).
The gums around the tooth swell.
Drainage from a tooth infection that tastes bad.

The mouth is emitting a foul odor.

What Treatments Are Available for a Toothache?

The treatment for a toothache is determined by the cause. If a cavity is the source of the toothache, your dentist will fill it or, if necessary, extract the tooth. A root canal may be required if the cause of the toothache is determined to be an infection of the tooth’s nerve. Bacteria that have made their way into the inner workings of the tooth cause such an infection. An antibiotic may be prescribed if there is a fever or swelling of the jaw.

Introducing Neolife Products for Toothache

  1. Tre-en-en® – 120 Capsules
  2. Chelated Cal-Mag: Highly bioavailable calcium, magnesium and 500 IU vitamin D3 for strong bones, teeth, nerve & muscle function and more…

To Order online;

Prefer to Call/whatsapp +2348102422192 or +2349157375782.

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