GNLD Neolife Products

08102422192 or 09157375782

Where to Buy Neolife Product


The Neolife shake is a fantastic meal replacement plan for weight loss that will help you lose weight quickly while still ensuring you have all of the necessary body nutrients.


The Neolife shake is a fantastic meal replacement plan for weight loss that will help you lose weight quickly while also ensuring you have all the necessary body nutrients for proper metabolic functions. Nutrition Fundamentals We discovered some really great things in the core nutrition of Neo Life Shakes. For starters, each serving contains 18 grams of protein. Soy protein isolate, nonfat dry milk, whey protein isolate, and calcium sodium caseinate are the protein sources in this shake. There are also 23 grams of carbohydrates and 5 grams of fiber. Finally, each serving has 1.5 g of fat. Nutritional Supplements This is one category that will leave you speechless.

Each serving of this shake contains 35% of the daily value for 23 vitamins and minerals. Given that these shakes are meant to replace a full meal, this is a huge plus. In this category, Neo Life Shakes deserve all of the points. Satiety These shakes will also fill you up and keep you full for a long time. When looking for a shake, look for one that will keep you full until your next meal, and the Neolife Shake will do just that. The Neolife Shake is based on Cellular Nutrition science for daily nutrition and weight management.


Per serving, there is 10g of protein and only 340 kilojoules. A special blend of simple and complex carbohydrates provides both immediate and long-lasting energy. Enzymes derived from plants for easy digestion

Lactose-free formula

It’s simple to combine with milk or juice.

It comes in a variety of flavors.

It aids in weight loss by reducing fat storage and promoting fat burning through the use of clinically proven “glycemic response control” technology.

Encourage gut-brain communication.

BCAAs – Branched Chain Amino Acids – promote lean muscle mass and muscle building and maintenance.

Provide all 22 amino acids necessary for human nutrition.

18 grams of high quality protein in a proprietary blend

Biologically complete, containing all 22 amino acids as well as 25 vitamins and minerals.

5 grams of filling fiber

There are no artificial sweeteners.

There are no artificial colors.

No genetically modified organisms

There is no cholesterol.

There are no preservatives.

There are no trans fats or hydrogenated fats.

Key Benefits

  • 10 grams of protein per serving.
  • Provides all 22 amino acids involved in human nutrition.
  • Supports easy digestion with plant derived enzymes.
  • Can be mixed with milk, fruit juice, and/or whole fruits for delicious, frothy shakes.


  • 10 g of protein and only 340 kilojoules per serving
  • Provides quick as well as lasting energy from a special blend of carbohydrates
  • Plant derived enzymes for easy digestion
  • Low in lactose
  • Mixes easily with milk, juice or water
  • Variety of flavours


Using a shaker or blender, mix 2 slightly heaped scoops (20 g) of NutriShake in 250 ml of low fat milk or your favourite juice.

NutriShake is most satisfying when served chilled!

For more variety, taste, and nutrition, add fresh or frozen fruit. For an even frothier, thicker drink, add a few ice cubes while blending.

To Order online;

Prefer to Call/whatsapp +2348102422192 or +2349157375782

 These statements have not been evaluated by the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.