GNLD Neolife Products

08102422192 or 09157375782

Where to Buy Neolife Product


Neolife helpful Nutritionals Supplements and Herbals alternatives will help re-balance your immune system and vitality.


Building a lifetime foundation of health necessitates a commitment to good nutrition. It’s never too early to ensure your children get the lipids, sterols, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients they need to lay the foundation for immediate and long-term health. Vita-Squares and Vita-Guard contribute to the nutritional building blocks that growing children require in order to achieve their physical, mental, and emotional best.

To assist in providing children with the nutritional building blocks they will require in order to form healthy bodies and minds.
To help supply key nutrients that have been shown in research to play a role in promoting emotional well-being in children.
To meet the extraordinary growth demands of childhood, when body weight doubles several times over and new cells are created at an astounding rate.

To aid in the growth and maturation of tissues and organ systems.
To assist in meeting the high energy demands and unique metabolic needs of children.
To aid in the maturation of the immune system, which is called upon to respond to some of life’s most difficult challenges during childhood.
To fill nutritional gaps in children’s diets that are the norm rather than the exception.


Gnld Neolife Vita Guard – 120 Tablets (Single): Vita Guard with its fruit and vegetable base carefully chosen to provide the best antioxidant nutrients and then processed with utmost care to leave the nutrients in their most effective form for your child’s body.

Gnld Neolife Vita Squares – 180 Tablets (Single): Chewable multivitamin for children.

To Order online;

Prefer to Call/whatsapp +2348102422192 or +2349157375782.

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